
Several pages of this site are only in Italian. You can get a translation in your language by clicking on "Translate" button located on the gray bar on the left.

29 april 2018

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche" photos of the event "Colonna della Libertà 2018".

09 september 2016

Add the page for the new "Bunker Museum" of Dobbiaco.
It is a newly opened museum, on the initiative of a young historian of San Candido.
The bunker in question is a work that was part of the defensive barrier designed in the '30s to protect the wide Pusteria Valley from invasion from Austria. Later reused in anti Warsaw Pact function and abandoned in the 90s.

23 may 2015

Add in the section "Photo Galleries" photos of the XVIII Mostra Concorso di Modellismo "Città della Spezia" 2015.

17 september 2014
Updated the page "Midway 1942" with the photos and the battle report of the wargame played on 14/09/2014 in Marina di Massa.

16 may 2014

Add in the section "Photo Galleries" photos of the Bastogne Ardennes 44 Museum.

15 may 2014

Add in the section "Photo Galleries" photos of the Bastogne War Museum.

14 may 2014

Add in the section "Photo Galleries" photos of the Bastogne Barracks Museum.

13 may 2014

Add in the section "Photo Galleries" photos of the "Hooge Crater Museum" in Zillebeke (Ieper).

08 may 2014

Add in the section "Photo Galleries" photos of the Musée Royal de l'Armée et d'Histoire Militaire in Brussels.

25 march 2014

Added in the section "Downloads-Articoli" an article by Roberto, explains how to paint camouflage "Vegetata Desertica" of the Italian Army, in english language.

02 march 2014

Add in the section "Le Attività" photos of the 8th DBA tournament "City of La Spezia."

22 february 2014

Add in the section "Le Attività-Wings of Glory" pictures of the mini campaign for the rules Wings of Glory "Bloody April", played on 02/22/2014 at the store "Warzone" of Massa.

09 january 2014

Add in the  section "Armies of the WASP"  the page of airplanes for the rules "Wings of Glory WWII", from the collection of Roberto.

02 december 2013

Updated in the section "Download-Articoli" the file "FoF - Caratteristiche dei mezzi dell'Esercito Italiano" containing the characteristics of the vehicles of the Italian Army for the rules "Force on Force". The file is in English language.
The new vehicles included are:
Iveco VM90 Torpedo;
Iveco VM90 Protected;
Lynx 1 (M1);
VCC-1 “Camillino”;
M60 A1 Patton;
Leopard 1A5;
NH-90 helicopter;
added to the value of "armor" of RQ1B Predator.

14 november 2013

Added in the section "Downloads-Articoli" an article by Roberto, explains how to paint camouflage "Vegetated" of the Italian Army, in english language.

30 september 2013

Add  in the section  "Gallerie Fotografiche" photos of the event "Napoleon Festival 2013" in Sarzana.

22 september 2013

Add in the section  "Le Attività" photos and commentary on the game record (100 players!) of Wings of War during the convention FirenzeGioca 2013.

16 september 2013

Add in the section "Le Attività photos of the convention "La Soria in Gioco" - Rufina 2013.

26 august 2013

Add in the section  "The Armies of the WASP-Assault Platoon" photos of the Italian infantry platoon of World War II for the rules "Assault Platoon" of Roberto.

25 june 2013

Add  in the section  "Le Attività" photos of the 11th tournament of  Wings of Glory  "City of Massa."

12 may 2013

Add in the section "Le Attività" photos of the city of Pavia DBA tournament.

15 april 2013

Add in the section "Le Attività photos of the convention "Hellana 2013", also including the photos of the tournament of  "Wings of Glory WWI ".

21 march 2013

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche" photos of the event Milano Wargames 2013 and of the scenario for the rules Rapid Fire II presented by WA.SP. "Nikolajewka 1943."

10 march 2013

Add in the section "Le Attività" photos of the 7th DBA tournament "City of La Spezia."

28 january 2013

The 7th D.B.A. tournament "City of La Spezia' will be held Sunday, march 10, 2013.
In the section  "Le Attività" has been added the page with the army list.

17 december 2012

Add  in the section  "Le Attività" photos of the 10th tournament of  Wings of Glory  WWI "City of Massa."

06 december 2012

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche" photos of the event "Hobby Model Italy - Genoa 2012."

19 november 2011

Add in the section "Le Attività-Torneo SDS Perugia 2012" the photos of the Song of Drums and Shakos tournament of Perugia.

11 november 2012

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP - Armies for Song of drums and shakos" more photos of British infantry (4th Regt. Of Foot King's Own) by Andrea.

05 november 2012

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" photos of the Battle of Bunker Hill at the convention "Lucca Comics and Games".

27 october 2012

Add in the section "Armies of the WASP-Operation Squad WW II Armies-Roberto" some pictures of the  Japanese Army squad, made ​​by Roberto.

9 september 2012

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" photos of the event "Massa Comics and Games 2012."
Inserted in the section "Downloads-Scenarios" the scenario for the rules Force on Force "A day of duty in Iraq."

4 september 2012

Add in the section "Armies of the WASP-Operation Squad WW II Armies-Roberto" some pictures of the Chindits squad, made ​​by Roberto.

24 august 2012

Add in the section "Armies of the WASP-Army for Rapid Fire II-Luca" some pictures of the Italian Alpini in Russia in the winter of 1942-43, made ​​by Luca.

16 august 2012

Add in the section  "Battle Report" on account and photos of the scenario for the rules Force on Force, "A day of duty in Iraq."

Add in the "Download-Scenarios" the scenario for the rules Impetus, "The Battle of Carrhae 53 BC" (only in italian language).

09 august 2012

Add in the section "Battle Report" on account and photos of the battle of Ivanovka 22.12.1942.

02 july 2012

Add  in the section  "Le Attività" photos of the 9th tournament of  Wings of Glory  WWI "City of Massa."

07 june 2012

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche"  photos of the "Museo della Piazzaforte" (Museum of the fortified town) of Augusta in Sicily.

06 may 2012

Add in the section0 "Gallerie Fotografiche" photos of the event "Napoleone e Noi" (Napoleon and Us) in Sarzana.
By the association "Armée d'Italie", in the castle moat of the Firmafede fortress was rebuilt a camp of Napoleon's troops.

02 april 2012

Add in the section "Le Attività photos of the convention "Hellana 2012", also including the photos of the tournament of  "Wings of Glory WWI ".

06 february 2012

Add in the section "Le Attività" a page on the next 6th DBA tournament "City of La Spezia."

Add  in the section  "Le Attività" photos of the 8th tournament of  Wings of Glory  WWI "City of Massa."

07 january 2012

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche" the description and photos of the "Historical Museum of the Landing in Sicily - 1943" in Catania.

27 december 2011

Add in the section  "The Armies of the WASP-Rapid-Fire II-Luca" photos of the Russian Army during World War II of Luca.

21 november 2011

Add in the section "Le Attività-Torneo SDS Perugia 2011" the photos of the Song of Drums and Shakos tournament of Perugia.

02 november 2011

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" photos of the model exhibition "Soresina Model Expo 2011" at Soresina (CR).

29 october 2011

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche", photos of the convention Lucca Comics and Games 2011.

23 october 2011

Add in the section "Le Attività-Torneo SDS Arezzo 2011" the photos of the Song of Drums and Shakos tournament of Arezzo.

16 october 2011

Add in the section " Le Attività – Massa Il 1° Torneo di Wings of War Warzone "  photos of 1st Wings of War tournament, held in the store "Warzone" of Massa.

26 september 2011

Add  in the section  "Gallerie Fotografiche" photos of the event "Napoleon Festival 2011" in Sarzana.

22 september 2011

Add in the section "Downloads-Articoli" organization, uniforms and the characteristics of the veichles of the Italian Army for the rules Force on Force.

1 september 2011

Add in the section "Downloads-Scenarios" photoreport and the downloaded scenario for the rules Rapid Fire II, "The Battle of Woin - October 6, 1941"

16 august 2011

Add in the section  "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos-Roberto" photos of the British troops in the West Indies and updated the Royal Marines  with photos of the standardbearer.
Add in the section "Battle Report" on account of the battle of Okuniev 1.8.1944.

17 july 2011

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche" photos of the launching of the Italian Navy frigate Carlo Bergamini (F 590) first of the new units type FREMM.

27 june 2011

Add in the section "Le Attività- Massa il torneo di WoW 2011" pictures of the 7 th Wings of War Tournament and of the event "Ci siamo... Massa gioca!"

20 june 2011

Add in the section "Le Attività-Il torneo di Spilamberto 2011" photos from the tournament of  "Song of drums and shakos" and the event "Dadi e sudore 2011".

14 june 2011

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" photos of Navy Day in La Spezia on 10.06.2011, in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic.

13 june 2011

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" photos of the model exhibition "ModelMyth 2011" at Sarzana.

7 june 2011

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche" photos of the convention "Dadi.con 2011" at San Marino.

13 may 2011

Added the new section "Battle Report ".
In this section you can find the reports of the scenarios we play between us.

The first scenario included is "The Battle of Pantelleria 15.6.1942".

These reports are only in Italian, but can easily be translated into other languages ​​using the translate button located on the gray left bar.

8 may 2011

Add in the section "Le Attività"  the photos of the DBA tournament at Cremona on Sunday may 8.

21 april 2011

Add in the section "Le Armate del WASP - Flying Lead" photos of the team of  Chechen rebels by Roberto.

15 april 2011

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche"  photos taken by Luca of the  reenactment held in Forte dei Marmi on the occasion of 66th anniversary of the liberation of the Gothic Line.

04 april 2011

Add in the section "Le Attività photos of the convention "Hellana 2011", also including the photos of the tournament of "D.B.A." and "Wings of War. "

28 march 2011

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche photos of the convention "Play Modena 2011", also including the photos of the tournament of "Song of Drums and Shakos" "Impetus"and "Wings of War. "

04 march 2011

Add in the section  "L'Angolo della Tecnica fast painting method for wargame figures by Roberto.

27 february 2011

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP - Eserciti per Song of drums and shakos" phothos of British Infantry of the Andrea's collection.

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP-Flotte per Victory atSea " photos of the Italian III Cruisers Division III, Destroyer Squadron 13  and British "Force K".

23 february 2011

Add in the section "Downloads-Scenarios" scenario and the Battle Reports for the rules Song of Drums and Shakos "El Campesino". The scenario is in Italian and English.

24 january 2011

Add in "The Armies of the WASP-Army Rapid Fire" photos of British 8 th Army and Afrika Korps of the Andrea' collection.

23 january 2011

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP" photos of the Prussian Landwehr for the rules "Song of drums and shakos" and British ships escorting the convoy Harpoon for the naval rules "War at Sea" by Roberto.

18 january 2011

Add in the section "Le Attività"  the photos of the SDS tournament at Carpi on Sunday 16 january and of the convention "Giocacarpi 2011".

04 january 2011

Add in the section  "Gallerie fotografiche" photos of the ex Italian Navy submarine Enrico Toti (S506), exposed to the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica in Milan.

30 december 2010

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche" photos of the current exhibition in Florence at the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi until January 21, 2011 "Addio, mia bella, addio" dedicated to the battles of the Italian Risorgimento.

13 december 2010

In the section  "Le Attività", updated with photos  the page dedicated to the Wings of War tournament of Massa 2010.

07 december 2010

Add in the section "L'Angolo della Tecnica" article on "Water Effects" of Vallejo.

01 december 2010

The 5th D.B.A. tournament "City of La Spezia' will be held Sunday, February 6, 2011.
In the section  "Le Attività" has been added the page with the army list.

28 november 2010

Add in the section "Le Armate del WASP - Eserciti per Song of drums and Shakos - Roberto" photos of the launch of the Royal Navy, the team of Russian infantry regiment of Vilnius and a Ottoman Empire Siphais.
Add in the section  "Le Armate del WASP - Fleet for Victory at Sea - Roberto" photos of some vessels in scale 1 / 3000 of the Regia Marina.
Added a new section to the site "L'Angolo della Tecnica". In this section, the members of WA.SP. illustrate the modeling techniques and materials they use to build their models.
Added the first article on how make a dry stone walls in cork.

22 november 2010

Included in the section "Downloads-Articoli" a series of articles (with english text version) and pictures on French armoured forces in 1940, curated by Luca.

21 november 2010

Add in the section  "Gallerie fotografiche" photos of the ex Italian Navy submarine Nazario Sauro (S518), exposed to the Galata Museo del Mare in Genoa.

15 november 2010

Add in the section "Le Attività"  the photos of the SDS tournament at Perugia on Sunday 14 November and of the convention "Magna con  Phersu".

07 november 2009

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" the photos of the Exhibition at the Italian Armed Forces Day - La Spezia sunday november 7, 2010.

30 october 2010

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche", photos of the XVI Historical Model Show Contest "Città della Spezia" and of the convention Lucca Comics and Games 2010.

25 october 2010

Add in the section "Le Armate del WASP-Impetus" photos of 15 mm Sassanid Persian and BUA, made by Andrea.
In the section "Le Attività" photos of from the tournaments of Impetus at Milano and Song of Drums and Shakos at Terni.  


23 september 2010

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos-Roberto", photos of the SDS squad of Spanish Guerrillas, made by Roberto with 28mm Front Rank and Eureka Miniatures metal miniatures.

27 august 2010

Add in the section "Le Armate del WASP-Eserciti per Rapid Fire-Luca" new photos of early war french troops from the collection of Luca.

23 august 2010

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos-Roberto", photos of the SDS squad of Pavlov Lifeguard Regiment, made by Roberto with 28mm Front Rank metal miniatures.

17 august 2010

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos-Roberto", photos of the SDS squad of French Line Infantry in greatcoat, made by Roberto with 28mm  Perry Miniatures plastic figures and Front Rank metal miniatures.

13 august 2010

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" some phothos of our last battles with the rules Song of drums and shakos (SDS), at M&C model shop at Sarzana (SP).

07 august 2010

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos-Roberto", photos of the SDS squad of French Light Infantry, made by Roberto with 28mm  Front Rank metal miniatures.

03 august 2010

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" some phothos of our last battles with the rules Song of drums and shakos (SDS).

06 july 2010

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos-Roberto", photos of the SDS squad of the Ottoman Empire (Albanian Mercenaries), made by Roberto with 25mm  Dixon metal miniatures.

05 july 2010

Add in the section "Le Attività-Il torneo di Spilamberto 2010" photos from the tournament of  "Song of drums and shakos" and the event "Dadi e sudore 2010".

02 july 2010

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos-Roberto", photos of the SDS squad of the Royal Marines, made by Roberto with 28mm  Britannia metal miniatures.

21 june 2010

Add in the section “Le Attività-Attività interne” the photos of the Rapid Fire II scenario “The battle for Le Mesnil Patry”, produced by Andrea with GHQ 6 mm. miniatures.

12 june 2010

Add in the section "Le Armate del WASP-Eserciti per Rapid Fire-Luca" the photos of the 1940 BEF (British Expeditionary Force) troops from the collection of Luca.


Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche", some pictures of the exhibition "Italia sia!" ongoing until September 26, 2010 at the Palazzo Mediceo of Seravezza (LU).

05 june 2010

Add in the section "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos-Andrea", photos of the SDS squad of the 2nd Line Infantry Regiment of the Kingdom of Italy, made by Andrea with 28mm  Victrix plastic miniatures.

22 may 2010

Add in the section "Le Armate del WASP-Eserciti per Rapid Fire-Luca" the photos of early war french troops from the collection of Luca.

10 may 2010

Add in the section "Le Attività-Torneo SDS Arezzo 2010" the photos of the Song of Drums and Shakos tournament of Arezzo.

30 april 2010

Add in "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos armies" photos of Roberto’s Great Britain infantry squad.

12 april 2010

Add in the section "Le Attività-Hellana-2010"  the pictures of the event and of the Rapid Fire II scenario "Moerdijk 1940".

9 april 2010

Add in the section “Downloads-Documents” a study on British Commandos by U.S. War Department, with relations on early Norvegian operations - English language.

1 april 2010

Add in "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos armies" photos of Roberto’s Bavarian 2nd Chevau-Légers Regt. "Konig".

28 march 2010


Add in "The Armies of the WASP-Song of Drums and shakos armies" photos of Roberto’s Bavarian infantry squad.

25 march 2010

Add, in the section “Links”, the link to site of the Combined Arms Research Library contains many PDF files (in English) free to download. You can find military manuals, original documents, researches and theses, magazines.

Of particular interest is the collection of Nafziger’s Orders of Battle, covering the period 1600 to 1945.


15 march 2010

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" the photos of the convention PLAY MODENA 2010.

11 march 2010

Add in the section "Downloads-Scenarios" the  scenario for the rules Rapid Fire II "Arras 1940". The photos of the scenario are included in the section “Gallerie fotografiche”.

24 february 2010

Add in the section "The armies of the WASP" the photos of the army for DBA III/68 West Sudanese, by Roberto.

Updated the section "Chi siamo - Roberto " with the photos of the first 28 mm. miniatures for the Regulation" Song of Drums and shakos".

16 february 2010

Updated the section "Chi siamo-Roberto" with the photos of the  General, Cavalry and Camp for the army for DBA III/68 West Sudanese.

07 february 2010

Updated the section "Chi siamo-Roberto" with the first pictures of the army for DBA III/68 West of Sudan and with the photo of the terrain for the Rapid Fire II scenario Moerdijk 1940.

19 january 2010

Add in  "Le attività-Il campionato DBA 2010"  the photos of the tournament and of the convention Giocacarpi 2010.

09 january 2010

Add in "Le Attività-attività interne" the photos of our first game with the new Napoleonic skirmish  rules "Song of Drums and shakos.

Add in "The armies of the WASP" photos of the armies of Andrea for the rules "Song of Drums and shakos".

07 january 2010

Add in the "Chi siamo> Roberto" the photos of the Dutch 57 mm cannon 6 veld for scenario "Moerdijk 1940."

14 decembre 2009

Add in the section “Le Attività-Massa il torneo di Wings of War 2009” report, the final standings and photos.

10 december 2009

Place in the section "The Armies of the WASP-Wings of War" photos of Italians SPAD XIII  of 91 ^ Squadron and of German LFG Roland C.II.

29 november 2009

Place in the section "The Armies of the WASP-Wings of War" photos of Nieuport 17 of Italians 80^ and 81 ^ Squadron.

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" pictures of the convention Dadi.com 2009.


24 november 2009

Add to the section "Download-Military Manuals:
- A new version of Soldier's Guide to the Japanese army - 1944
with photos and drawings lighter than the previous file;
- Rank and badges in the Navy, Army, R.A.F.  and auxiliares 1943.

23 november 2009

Add in "The Armies of the WASP-Wings of War" photos of two   German Albatros D. V of the Jasta 18.

22 november 2009

Add in "The Armies of the WASP-Wings of War" photos of three   Austro-Hungarian Albatros D. III of the Flik 41J.

15 november 2009

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" the photos of the 

Hanriot HD1 of Flavio Torello Baracchini - 76th Squadron. Metal model Scale 1/144 of Skytrex for the game Wings of War.

10 november 2009


Add  the section “Gallerie fotografiche” the pictures of our wargame of 2006 on the battle of Waterloo.
The game table was 180 cm x 240 cm.
Were used about 2,300 plastic miniatures, 1/72 scale of several producers.
Rules used are “Advanced Shakò” of Art Conliffe.

08 november 2009

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" the photos of the Exhibition at the Italian Armed Forces Day - La Spezia sunday november 8, 2009.

31 october 2009

Add in the section "Gallerie Fotografiche" the photos of Luni Open day.

During the 40th anniversary of establishment of the 5th Navy Helicopters Group, the Station Helicopters Marina Militare of Luni was open for public visits.

25 october 2009

Add in the section "Download> Military hanbooks" the manual "Identification of Foreign Armored Vehicles German, Japanese, Russian, Italian, and French 1941.

Add in the section "Chi siamo>Roberto" the photos of the road bridge for Moerdijk scenario.

24 october 2009

Add to the section "Chi siamo> Roberto" new photos of Dutch infantry and Me 109E for the Rapid Fire 2 scenario " Moerdijk".

Add in the "Le Attività>Attività interne" the  photos of our last game played with the Impetus rules.



09 october 2009

Add a button  for translation into other languages of the pages of the our site.
For a better view of the pages is recommended to select "Google" as a translator on line.

07 october 2009

Add in the section "Downloads>Scenari" the rapid Fire II scenario "Stonne 194o".


The “Stonne 1940” scenario refers to the battle of Stonne (little village at south of Sedan) fighted on 15th and 16th May 1940 between elements of german 10° panzer division and elements of french 3° armoured division and 3° motorized division.

The game, particularly, refers to the second day of fighting with the germans defending the village, occupied the day before,  from a french counter-attack.

Photos of the scenario at " Le Attività>Attività interne".

27 september 2009

Add in the section "Gallerie fotografiche" the photos of Sarzana Napoleon Festival 2009.

20 september 2009

Add in the section " Le Attività>Attività interne" the photos of our last wargame for Rapid Fire II " Stonne 1940".


19 may 2009


Add in the section “Le Attività>Attività interne” the photos of the Rapid Fire scenario “Take St. Clair-sur-l’Elle”.

10 may 2009

Add in the section "The armies of the WASP>DBA armies" the photos of Luca's Teutonic Orders army.

05 may 2009

Add in the section " Chi siamo> Roberto" 4 new photos of German parachutists.

01 may 2009

Add the section "Armies of WASP>Impetus armies" with the photos of Andrea's Parthian Army (miniatures 6 mm. Baccus).

06 April 2009
On "Le Attività>Attività esterne"  the report and the photos of convention Hellana 2009. In particular the photos of the scenario for Rapid Fire varying for the WW I  “Gas” and of the torneo of Wings of War. 
We are sorry but only italian texts.

23 march 2009

Add to the section "Download>Military Handbooks":

- The German squad in combat - 1943;

- German methods of warfare in the Libyan desert;

- Japanese infantry weapons- 1943;

- Soldier's guide to the Japanese army - 1944.

14 March 2009

Inserted, in the section "Download>Military Handbooks", the pilot's handbook for British fighter bomber De Havilland Mosquito FB 6 in English language.


01 March 2009

Inaugurate the new section “Download>Documents

Here you can find documents of varied nature, from the letter to the plans for the Operation Husky.

We are sorry that not all the material is in English language.



Inserted, in the section “Download> Military Handbooks”, new handbooks in English language.

We have add "The battle of Trebbia 218 b.c."; an Impetus scenario in English language.

The D-Day photo section has italian/english texts. 

The section “Armies of WASP” has Italian-English texts.



Added in the section “Downloads>Scenari” the Rapid Fire II scenario “Gela 10 July 1943”.

This scenario represent the first counterattack, carried out in the first hours of the same day of the disembarkation in Sicily, from the Axis troops against the American forces disembarked on the beaches of the city of Gela. The attack, carried from the Italian Mobile Group “E” coming from Niscemi, was carried out without coordination with the units of the German division “Herman Goering” that also had received order to attack the beaches of disembarkation.

Photos of the scenario at: http://picasaweb.google.it/roberto058